short time home
Well, I made it to graduation....sort of...After slipping by math with the scholarly final grade of a D minus, I acted like Chris Farley in the begginning of Tommy Boy and felt that it was neccesary to brag about my accomplishments to every man,woman and child within a mile radius. Well, not really, but I did call most of my close friends and family. (If you're reading this and wondering why I didn't call you...get over it.) Commencement went well, except for the part where I got the case with no diploma inside!:) The weekend was great, except for when I found out that I had to change my living arrangments because of someone backing out of a contract. I won't name names, but his initials are Tim Taylor.. (No hard feelings Tim :))Only four more weeks of college, and then I'll become as close to democrat as possible so that I can freeload off of society and milk the government for all it's worth until I finally land a job. At this point, any chance of actually landing a journalism job seems about as realistic as bumping into Tom Hanks at Merritt Square Mall. (I'd say more in a million.'- 'So you're telling me there's a chance!'- Dumb & Dumber)
Speaking of Merritt Square, the new theater there is amazing. As my good bud Stacey said, the theater's motto should be: Cobb 16- "Can you believe you're in Merritt Island?". We saw day after tommorow and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and they didn't really push an agenda like all the media was saying they would. That's truly a first! Well, I've already typed way more than anyone would want to read so I'll stop.
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